Married With Horses Podcast -MwH 081: Its Been A While... Q&A and Other Stuff.

Hey y’all! It’s a been a little while since we’ve released an episode as life caught up with us a bit. End of school, end of Little League, end of Game of Thrones, clinics, construction work, etc. have kept us off the mics longer than we’d like, but here we are again! On this episode we talk about what’s been going on with us over the past couple of weeks and answer questions that our listeners asked on social media. We also introduced our new summer intern, McKinsy. We’ll be up and rolling again like normal now to give you guys lots of great content to listen to on your summer travels or chillin’ by the pool over this hot summer! Thanks for hanging out with us again!

Life is short. Ride a Unicorn.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast and be sure to RATE and REVIEW the show as well on your podcast app of choice. You can catch us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, and all the others!

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SIGN UP to be a Unicorn Trainer and get our UNICORN TRAINING GUIDE at our WEBSITE!

Show Partner Info:

  • GO FAST RACES: Head to their website TODAY and sign up for their next race on June 8, 2019 in Taylor, TX!

Sign Up For a J2 Clinic TODAY!

  • 2019 J2 CLINICS:
    • Hood River, Oregon: July 19-21, 2019
    • Ignacio, Colorado: August 2-4, 2019
    • Elkmont, Alabama: September 13-15, 2019
    • Wichita Falls, Texas: October 25-27, 2019

Listen To The Married With Horses Podcast Here.

This is a podcast hosted by Jackie and Lane Jatzlau. Jackie (formally Jackie Dube) is a professional barrel racer and horse trainer. Her husband, Lane, owns a construction company and is a professional barrel racer's husband.